
I’ve been so busy speaking Spanish on that I forgot to review it!

Getting Started

It’s the perfect time for me to try Baselang. I have 3 weeks off work AND they offer a 1 week trial for $1. I started my trial on December 28. Signing up and getting started was easy. What I did:

  1. signed up (so effortless I don’t even remember doing it)
  2. created a separate zoom account just for baselang classes
  3. added my profile info on baselang
  4. scheduled a class (super easy to do)

Three Day Binge!

Spanish Assessment

During my first 2 classes my teachers gave me an assessment. 0 = beginner and 9 = fluent. I’m at level 7. I was eager to get speaking and booked 6 more 30 minute classes that same day.


I booked multiple classes on the 29th and 30th. By the end of the 30th my spoken Spanish had already improved! The time flew by and I truly enjoyed it. I was already sold at this point.


The trial is a great time to find teachers that fit your personality and learning style. I appreciate that they point out my errors. Their feedback as native speakers is essential for improving.

You can rate every class, create a private overall rating per teacher, and set 3 as ‘favorites’. This helps you book new classes as your top rated teachers appear at the top of the list.

Taking a Break

Everyone gets a break on Dec 31 and Jan 1. I have more classes booked starting on Jan 2.

Unlimited 1-on-1 Spanish Tutoring

I can’t believe they are unlimited! After the trial the cost will be $149 USD / month. It’s worth it! I can’t improve my Spanish on 1 hour per week. This is exactly what I need. Once I go back to work I won’t have as much free time but I’ll simply need to reduce TV time to fit in my classes.

ONLINE options

My teachers mentioned additional features. I didn’t even look as I was enjoying the live classes so much but I just took a look now.

Above you see the 2 drop down options:

  • DELE

Both contain vocabulary and grammar lessons. I should work on this as I’m sure it would help a lot but I’m lazy or maybe it’s that I have my own approach. If you’re a beginner you really do need to develop a base and it will be worth the time spent.

My Class Notes

I often take notes when I listen to podcasts. I also took notes during my 3 day Baselang binge. Key things that I want to review and incorporate into my vocabulary.

+tal cual

+que bueno que entiendas todo

+es nuestro deber

+lo importante es que usted pueda

+es importante que lo sepas

+a partir de ahora

+nuestro tiempo ya se agotó
verbs: agotar, agotarse
adj: agotador
noun: agotamiento

+espero que te guste

+eso sería muy genial

+tuviera(imp subj) --> acompañaría(conditional)

+es increible que Ana haya corrido mas rapido que Juan

+todo estuvo bien pero hubo duda

+imperative: Presta atencion. Pasame la sal por favor. (use tone of voice carefully)

+adjectives: interesado, interesante

+Tú lo entiendes al toque

+tus convicciones estén lo suficientemente fuertes

+quizas cuando veas...

+muy probable que pase

+espero que tengas/consigas

+espero que este bien escrito

+es una enfermedad muy costosa

+cuando uno deja de practicar

+cuando me mudé a Toronto

+algunos logran el objetivo


+sentia que la piel se me arrancaba

+al final caminé quince minutos

+el clima es muy cambiante(adj)

+el clima es templado(adj)

+voy a poner un ejemplo

+la única vez que sentí frío


+la gran sabana

+cosas que han sucedido



+para que ellos tengan

+cuando conduzcas no tomes
 cuando tomo no conduzco

+en todo nuestra habla

+si yo pudiera enseñarles a skate

+hembra y macho (dogs)

+inglesa y escoses

+creo que envejeci

+para que todos entiendan

+las discusiones/disputas

+la herramienta

+el tema

+estancados {stuck}

+no lo descarto {I don't rule it out}

+en donde quisiera vivir

+a donde quisieras vivir

+me gusta mucho que me corrigas

+tejer {weave/knit}

+ni te diste cuenta

+tener la maña {to have the knack}

+enriquecer el vocabulario

+trabajo fijo

+rasguña {verb/noun: scratches/scratch)

+yo no suporto el frio

+a los trez dias me entero

+yo me lo como puro {aguacate}

+hace mucha brisa de noche

+escarcha {frost}

+los consteños

+cuando me jubile

+vergonzosa {embarrassing/disgraceful}

+ellos suelen ser


+un cura{a priest} <--> una cura{a cure}

+te iba a decir

+o sea

+me causa gracia

+ama de casa

+ya lo superamos

+mi mejor amiga de aca


+arisco{unfriendly/unsociable} (to refer to cats}
los gatos suelen ser más ariscos que los perros

+una suplencia {substitution/replacement}

+ahorita te lo paso

+pegar {paste}

+siete materias que tienes que aprobar para ingresar a la universidad

+asi de rapido/volada

+recambio de personal{staff turnover}

+todo el tiempo estoy agradiciendo


+dejame pensarlo

+soltar y confiar
suelto y confio

+que pase por lo que tenga que pasar



+si no es ahora, no es nunca

+me hice trenzas{braids}

+como estuvo tu dia?

+como una recompensa

+no sabia donde estaba

+una mezcla de emociones

+hay una muy buena recompensa

+talón de aquiles{Achilles heel}

+descartar{to disregard/reject}

+te ayuda a encontrar un horizonte

+rasguñar/arañar{to scratch}

+renegar{to deny}

+estornudar{to sneeze}

+muy exigente

+ladrar{to bark}

+gruñir{to growl} 


+incluso para mi es dificil entenderlos

+el frio me desanima un poco


+hubo bastante violencia

+como debería ser

+fuera de eso

+la fuente energética{the energy source}

+en el sentido de que...

+hay un cafe que no he probado

+muchas comidas muy semejantes


+yo lo pensaba asi

+una conversacion mas fluida


+esperemos que solo sea gripe

+de inmediato

+los que son bilingues

+depende de la zona

+depende de que haya tenido/vivido el pais

+mi hermano ya estaba aqui (estar: para lugares)


+escuchaba una disputa/discusion



+todo te obliga sumergirte {sumergir: submerge/overwhelm/plunge}

+me desespero un poco {desesperar: despair/lose hope}

+tengo entendido {it is my understanding}

+ella estaba muerta de risa

+ida y vuelta son tres horas

+ropa adecuada para el clima

+no es recomendable viajar en autobus

+no les ha gustado

+se amplia un poco mas

+sería mejor si aquí hubiera mar

+lunar {}

+se le hacen muchos nudos {her hair gets tangled/knots}

+el deber

+medio ambiente

+muchas partes deshabitadas


+probablemente ella te lo confirmara

+muriendo de calor

+ola de calor

+no fue tan grave

+mucho más confiados

+depende del lugar a donde vayas

+podría ser posible



+eso seria redundante


+si yo lo escribo lo recuerdo

+un choque cultural

+diferencias sutiles

+no es que no haya

+menos prejuicios

+en mi caso particular

+estamos a 24 grados

+ya queda en tu mente para toda la vida

+ya siempre les corrigo

+cuando tu veas...


+me cepillo los dientes

+voy a darle un vistazo

+sonreirse{to smile}
+reirse{to laugh}

+me cepillo los dientes

+si no entiendo una parte retrocedo para entender


+me pareció interesante

+taquigrafía{short hand}

+eso no me agrada

+no te pases

+yo me quede callado(a)

+ellos prefieren que you hable mas rapido

+me llama mucho la atencion

+lacio <> rizado
+a veces me lo plancho


My Method

I love listening to podcasts and live radio. It helps to build vocabulary, reinforce grammatical structures, and feel the flow of the language. The problem with listening and rarely speaking is that there’s a huge gap between them.

Conversation classes identify my speaking weaknesses. I take notes and then go back and study those specific areas. I have so many areas to improve. Today I studied ser & estar (more on this in a future post).

Language Learning Benefits

During my three day Spanish speaking binge it was so immersive and intense (in a good way) that I forgot about others things and didn’t worry as much. Along with learning Spanish, if I can mix in more exercise and meditation it will create more balance for me.

Next Baselang Class

My next class is tomorrow at 8am so I’d better get some rest!



Today is January 7th and I’ve had another six days of conversation classes. It’s been amazing! My comprehension has increased but the biggest improvement has been in my speaking ability. I have improved so much!


The reason I’ve enjoyed the classes so much goes beyond learning the language. I have met so many different people, learned about them and their experiences. Here it’s winter and there’s another wave of covid so it’s been refreshing meeting and speaking with so many different teachers.


I also now feel very comfortable switching between teachers from different countries. Previously I really struggled to understand Spanish outside of Mexico. It’s taken time to train my ear and I’m glad I’ve had this experience. Sometimes I don’t even notice the difference anymore. Sure, they are speaking a bit more carefully but they know that I like to hear them speak at a fast pace.


Sometimes I wish I were already retired so I could continue taking so many daily classes. In another week I’ll be going back to work but this has been an amazing experience. Will I ever dare to learn a third language? …I don’t think so. I really like improving my Spanish and I still have soo much to learn but it’s a great challenge. Along the way I’ll meet more interesting people with many stories to share 🙂