ciro gomez leyva por la manana 2

This episode about inflation in Mexico was challenging to understand but it was good practice.

Instituto Nacional de Estadística

It was just over four minutes long but the title was long:

Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía da a conocer alza en la inflación

Episode link:

I listened to it via google podcast to take advantage of the playback features (speed control, 10 second rewind).


This is a real Mexican podcast. They aren’t speaking slow or carefully for language learners. The host and the guest were challenging to understand. Why?

  • they speak quickly
  • used economic terms

…but that’s fine. It’s real life and great practice! It was helpful to rewind and slow down the audio a few times.

This is the episode summary from their website:

INEGI informó que la inflación durante la primera quincena de noviembre fue de 0.69%, con lo que la inflación anual se eleva a 7.5%. La analista, Maricarmen Cortés, explicó que es una mala noticia para el Banco de México porque la inflación se mantiene al alza sin control

And now some words and phrases that I jotted down:

+es preocupante {it's worrisome}

+pero aún así {but still}

+el rango {the range}

+los pocos que tengan {the few that have}

+por mas que diga {no matter how much I say} 'diga' could be I or he/she.

+que la inflación se mantiene al alza sin control {that inflation continues to rise uncontrollably}

+factores externas {external factors}

+pues no hay buenas noticias por ningún lado {Well there is no good news anywhere}

+los pocos que tengan tasas variables {the few that have variable rates}

+tasa {rates}

+las tasas de crédito {credit rates}

+muy por encima {well above}

+y lo mas sequro es que termine el año arriba de 7% {and more than likely the year ends above seven percent} translation mine

+este 2021 en Diciembre tambien tengamos un inflacion {This December 2021 we will also have inflation}

+propuesta {proposal}

+pues hay sobresaltos {there are shocks / there are surprises}


There are so many different ways to translate sobresaltos depending on the context! Examples from

ejemplos de sobresaltos (sustantivo/noun)

+Si hacemos esto, no habrá sobresaltos {If we do this, it all stays cool}

+Finalmente se ha conseguido, no sin el esfuerzo de toda la tripulación y algunos sobresaltos {It was finally achieved; not without effort by the entire crew and some alarm}

+En cambio, las elecciones de 2015 en Grecia y en España pueden provocar sobresaltos {On the other hand, the 2015 elections in Greece and Spain could produce shocks}

+El país vivía sobresaltos políticos y militares importantes que le condujeron hacia la independencia en 1830 {The country was experiencing significant political and military upheavals that led to independence in 1830}

sobresaltar (infinitive verb) generally translates to: startle/frighten 

I went down the rabbit hole for awhile with sobresaltos but I’m back now 🙂