Conversation 2021-10-25

Now near the end of 2021 I can see how much my Spanish has improved in just four months!

Mirando Hacia Atrás

Although I still have much to learn I’m satisfied with my progress over the past four months. I’ve learned/relearned a lot. I need more conversation classes and I need to be more diligent in reviewing vocabulary. Having said that…


Every Italki conversation class with my teacher is amazing. I always learn so much! The conversation moves fluidly from topic to topic. I remember the mini grammar class within the conversation class about reflexive/reciprocal verbs.

+mediados de Octubre / fines de Octubre

+agotados(adj) / agotarse(verb)

+se me hace que / me parece que

+parecerse(verb): me parezco a mi papá. mi hermano y yo nos parecemos.

+Verbos con "se"
 Reflexivos(acciones a si mismo: se rindió)
 Reciprocos(con alguien: se saludaron)
 Impersonal(por aqui se dice que...)

+intercambiar historias

+puede ser cansador/agotador / era muy cansador

+hacer hincapie

+una corazonada


+novelas triviales

+he voluntariado / hacer un voluntariado

+estaba vagando


+la presión

+aunque no haga nada

+salí de mi coraza

+acrónimo (eg N.B.A.)

+medidas desesperadas

+hubieran hecho / habrían hecho

+tablero de ajedrez

+pudiera podido / habría podido / pudiera haber

Of particular note:

  • una corazonada {a hunch}
  • hacer hincapié {emphasize}
  • salí de mi coraza {I got out of my shell}

NBA in Spanish

While I wrote this post I watched an NBA game: Dallas vs Minnesota in Spanish (I subscribe to NBA League Pass and there are playback options in Spanish!). I wasn’t listening that closely but it’s nice to have in the background. When I really focused I could understand relatively well.