Conversation-2022-01-22 to 07-02

I haven’t reviewed vocabulary in months. I’ll try to catch up.

I’ve taken a lot of conversation classes this spring and summer. I have reviewed my notes now and then but I haven’t written a post in mucho tiempo! This is just a portion of the notes I’ve taken but it’s enough for now.

+no se enreda (does not tangle) enredarse (to get tangled) 
+se esparce más rápido
+iniciando desde cero (starting from scratch)
+me enganchó  (I got hooked, got me hooked)
+una crisis
+lidiar (to deal with)
+alto rendimiento (high performance)
+un mar muy picado (a very choppy sea)
+tengo todo el día a tope (translation: I have all day full. But better is: I have a very full day)
+políglotas (polyglots)
+medida que vayas practicando (translation: as you practice. Weak translation but it gives the idea).
+en caso de que te de covid (in case you get covid)
+toque de queda (curfew)
+se derrite la nieve (the snow melts)
+me encanto que me contaras la experiencia que tuviste (I love that you told me the experience you had)
+la rescataron (they rescued her)
+pudo haber muerto (she/he could have died)
+valiente (brave)
+valioso (valuable)
+eso le favorecía mucho para jugar
+los tobillos (the ankles)
+un lugar que no conozca (a place you don't know)
+me llamaba la atención (it caught my attention)
+estuvo peor que nunca (it was worse than ever)
+va y ven (come and go)
+entablar conversaciones (strike up / start conversations)
+las horas pico (rush hour)
+lograr manejarlo (manage to handle it)
+muy amigables (very friendly)
+intento escuchar (intento escuchar)
+asquerosos (disgusting / nasty)
+ha de ser bonito (it must be pretty)
+cuando la conversación se alarga (when the conversation drags on)
+las pólizas de seguro (insurance policies)
+tatarabuelos (great-great-grandparents)
+la gente no suele (people don't usually)
+muy ligado a la sociedad (closely linked to society)
+a veces es cambiante (? sometimes it's changing ?)
+en el peor de los casos (in the worst case)

It’s been a hot summer here. It’s not over yet but it’s mid August and the start of fall is only a few weeks away. I’ll blog more in the winter when I stay indoors most of the time. The good thing is that I have continued to take conversation classes. I haven’t listened to many podcasts this summer but that will change with fall and winter.