Vocabulary 2021-11-25

I never watch soap operas in English but I occasionally watch telenovelas in Spanish. It’s a great way to learn.


It’s great comprehension practice. The actors are so expressive and the audio is recorded well making it easy to follow. I often pause to mimic the phrases or take notes. There are so many telenovelas. It’s a huge industry.


I jot down phrases in a notebook during conversation classes. When watching telenovelas I use these square pieces of paper. When I review them I can easily move them around.

Phrases from Telenovelas

Below are some of these phrases after checking the translation:

+Como le vamos a hacer para estar juntos? {What are we going to do to be together?}

+Si me siguen fastidiando y si se atreven a meterse conmigo les juro que me la van a pagar {If they continue to bother me and if they dare to mess with me, I swear they will pay me}

+Yo no tengo piedad con nadie {I have no mercy with anyone}

+nos tenemos que ir {we have to go}

+A qué viniste? {What did you come for?}

+Si yo no hubiera tenido a alguien como él, alguien que me ayudara, seguramente hubiera terminado en la calle {If I had not had someone like him, someone to help me, surely I would have ended up on the street}

+Tiene que haber una solución {There must be a solution}

+Tu echaste a perder la unica solucion que yo tenia {You spoiled the only solution that I had}

+Si en un rato no sabemos de ellos, salimos a buscarlos {If we don't hear anything about them soon, we'll go look for them}

+Gracias por apoyarnos {Thank you for supporting us}

+Yo sé que a ella le hubiera gustado así {I know that she would have liked it that way}

+Aunque llegue el momento en que mi corazón ya no aguante {Although the time comes when my heart can no longer bear it}

+Yo no quiero que te vayas {I do not want you to go}

+No quiero que te mueras {I do not want you to die)

+Ojalá que se quede ahí {I hope it stays there}

+No tenemos nada que ver {We have nothing to do with it}

+Quiero que tu seas mi papa {I want you to be my dad}

+Perdoname por haberte hecho sufrir tanto {Forgive me for having made you suffer so much}

+No importa lo que haya pasado {No matter what happened}

+Yo se que la vida te puso en mi camino para que yo fuera tu papa {I know that life put you in my way so that I was your dad}

+Tenemos que estar preparados para lo que sea {We have to be prepared for whatever}

+Porque te fuiste de la casa? {Why did you leave the house?}

+Estaba triste cuando supe que mi tío Leonardo era mi papa {I was sad when I found out that my uncle Leonardo was my dad}

+sacame de aquí {get me out of here}

+No pueden acusar a Leonardo de algo asi. El no es un secuestrador {They can't accuse Leonardo of something like that. He is not a kidnapper}

+Ahorita nos tenemos que enfocar en lo que importa {Right now we have to focus on what matters}

+Es que están acusando a mi hijo de algo que no puede ser {It is that they are accusing my son of something that cannot be}

+Yo te juro que no quiero que mi papá se muera {I swear I don't want my dad to die}

+Somos capaces de todo por conseguir lo que queremos {We are capable of everything to get what we want}

+Regino me retó a una pelea {Regino challenged me to a fight}

+me dejé llevar {I got carried away}

...I will continue to add more. I can't believe how many telenovela phrases I have!

While checking the translations in google translate and spanishdict.com I listened to these videos:

Academia Play

…and then…

Academia Play

The narrator has a classic radio voice.