Weather Words

Due to the recent massive snow storm here in Toronto area I learned a new verb in Spanish.


Our recent January 16 & 17 snow storm left us with a ton of snow (30 to 50 centimeters). It gave me the opportunity to say: palear snow {shovel snow}. I think I was able to describe the storm well by the horrid looks on the faces of my conversation teachers.

Weather Vocabulary

Here are several weather related words that my conversation teachers and I have used:

+palear nieve {shovel snow}
+tengo que palear nieve
+tengo que palear mas nieve

+nieve {snow}
+nevar {to snow}
+tormenta de nieve


+neblina {fog}

+tormenta de arena {sand storm}

+fogaje {fire}

+olas de calor

+las nubes se reflejan en el agua

+todo el dia estuvo muy nublado

+el calor es insoportable

+el fuego se propaga facilmente/rapidamente                                               

+aquí es más templado {mild}

+hay/corre mas viento

+relampagos {lighting}
+trueno {thunder}

I’m so exhausted from shoveling snow {paleando nieve} that I’ll stop for now. I’ll probably find more words later.


I learned a new dicho: comencé con brío y termine con escalofrío {to start something with a lot of energy and over time lose interest}.